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Air Legislation

Hong Kong Civil Aviation Department (CAD)

Drone Laws in Hong Kong

Civil Aviation Ordinance
(Chapter. 448G) - effective 1st June 2022

Under the order, Small Unmanned Aircraft (SUA) are regulated under a risk-based approach

1) Weight of the SUA

2) Operational Risk Level
SUA Order.png
Drone Registration + Labelling

If a person commits an offence under the SUA Order, the person
is liable on conviction on indictment to a fine at level 6, i.e. $100,000,
and to imprisonment for two years

Determine Boundaries

Altitudes and routes

Proximity of manned aircraft

Flight restrictions


Radio interference

Security Measures

Weather Conditions


Pre-flight checks

Emergency Procedures

Permission of property owner

Performance Limitations

Battery Management

Do not fly over populated areas

No rainstorm, tropical cyclone or monsoon signals in force

Restricted Flying Zones

Distance from bystanders

Visual Line of Sight (VLOS)

Personal Data Privacy
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